Dance for Gymnasts
My GYmnastics Story
I started gymnastics when I was 2 years old and immediately fell in love with the challenge and fun of the amazing sport. My childhood is filled with fond memories of using my dad’s new recliner to teach my favorite doll to do back tucks, using the couch to practice balancing in my handstands and flipping on my mat in the yard. My absolute favorite to compete was floor where I was viewed as such an elegant performer. As much as I loved the sport, after 12 years I became afraid. After a big fall, I turned my attention to dance where I was able to take all of the items I loved from performing floor without the (for me) more scary tricks. In dance I have found my true passion and abilities, though I never lost my love of the amazing sport of gymnastics. As an adult I participated in a few sessions of adult gymnastics at my local YMCA where I even learned how to do a new move, an arabian. I also became acrobatic arts certified and am so blessed to share my love of being up side down with all of my acro dancers. I also continue to watch every elite gymnastics meet on tv and am an avid NCAA gymnastics fan. Watching this new code of points and the importance of performance and dance technique, I realized that my dance expertise combined with my love of gymnastics puts me in an unique position to work with gymnasts to bring out their best performance in every meet. Focusing on the little details of fully stretched arms and legs, and performance quality can truly make the difference for any gymnast. I hope to be able to connect with you and your gymnasts soon!